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How To Install Apache On CentOS

How To Install  Apache On CentOS


The Apache web server is currently the most popular web server in the world, which makes it a great default choice for hosting a website.t is used to serve more than half of all active websites.

Step One — Install Apache

 We can install Apache easily in CentOS's ,Using yum. A yum package manager allows us to install most software pain-free from a repository maintained by CentOS. 
sudo yum install httpd
Since we are using a sudo command, these operations get executed with root privileges. It will ask you for your regular user's password to verify your intentions.

Once it Installation has completed, you can start Apache using following command
sudo systemctl start httpd.service
You can do a spot check right away to verify that everything went as planned by visiting your System's IP address in your web browser
The last thing you will want to do is enable Apache to start on boot. Use the following command to do so:
sudo systemctl enable httpd.service

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